Affirming Catholicism in Ireland by The Revd Clive G. Wylie, Convenor IN FEBRUARY 1994 twenty-five people met in the Lansdowne Court Hotel, Belfast, to discuss the possibility of setting up an organization that would aim to uphold the integrity of Anglicanism within the Church of Ireland by affirming Catholic faith and order. Such a body would seek: (1) to proclaim the Christian Gospel in its fullness through word and sacrament (2) to maintain the apostolic orders of bishop, priest and deacon (3) to promote the Church's teaching on the grace of the sacraments as being central to the Christian life (4) to deepen Anglican spirituality through private and corporate prayer (5) to facilitate and encourage biblical and theological studies (6) to commit ourselves to the liturgy of the Church and to make a positive contribution to its development and enrichment (7) to bear public witness to the social implications of the Christian Gospel As time progressed and, as the number of subscribers to Affirming Catholicism continued to grow, the natural development was to set up a local branch of this movement, hence the launch of Affirming Catholicism (Ireland) on Saturday, 5 November, 1995. INAUGURAL MEETING The inaugural meeting was preceded by a Eucharist in the Cathedral Church of St Patrick, Armagh, at which the Dean, the Very Revd Herbert Cassidy, presided. The preacher was the Revd Canon David Hutt, who brought greetings from Westminster Abbey and from Affirming Catholicism members in the Church of England. NOT ANGLO-PAPISTS Some within the Church of Ireland have expressed anxiety as to what Affirming Catholicism (Ireland) is all about and their concerns are shared with those of us who are responsible for its launch. Sadly, in society and, surprisingly, in the Church the words 'Catholic' and 'Catholicism' remain terms that are misunderstood, despite their being used Sunday by Sunday in both the Apostles' and Nicene creeds. As an organization we are neither sectarian nor subversive. We are not AngloPapists, constantly looking to Rome for inspiration and meekly being led down the 'road to Rome'. We are not ritualists who dress up 'like decorations on Christmas tree', as one clergyman C scribed us, nor are we revolutionaries seeking to introduce beliefs contrary the faith and order of the Church of Ii land. We are not a political party who sole purpose is the promotion of a particular, or any, political agenda. And are most definitely not a movement that defines itself as being in opposition any other grouping within the Church nor do we seek to foster an identity. On the contrary, we are a body people who love and are fully connected to the Church of Ireland. Many our members are Anglicans by birth some are Anglicans by choice, but are Anglicans by conviction. Hence I adoption of the aim and the seven objectives that are fully consonant with, a re-affirm the ecclesiology enshrined the 'Preamble and Declaration of 18 and the theology of the 'Book of Common Prayer'. The legitimacy of Anglicanism m never be doubted or something to ashamed of. Down through the century many Irish Anglicans have contributed greatly to the life and witness of Church Universal and, as inheritor this rich tradition, Affirming Catholicism (Ireland) has something posit and distinctive to offer the Church a whole. 60-STRONG AND GROWING During the meeting a steering group both clergy and laity from both Provinces was elected and details announced of two meetings with Lewis Ayres, lecturer in systematic c historical theology at Trinity College Dublin. At present, the steering group busy preparing a programme of eve for this now sixty-strong and steadily growing movement. Further information about Affirming Catholicism in Ireland may be obtained from: The Revd David Matthews or from: The Revd Christopher Halide (tel. (00)-353 40446160).
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Affirming Catholicism is an educational charity involved in various initiatives: publications, seminars, shared worship, retreats, pilgrimages, conferences. Most dioceses have their own local groups to undertake similar projects themselves. Address: St Lukes Centre, 90 Central Street, London ECIV 8AQ. Telephone enquiries to +44 [0]171-253-1138; fax: +44 [0]171-253-1139. Registered Charity No. 1007291